Friday, June 28, 2013

ID-510 Summer 2013 Welcome to Our Blog

We will be discussing your thoughts and impressions after reading Classroom Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, by Suzanne Chapin, Catherine O'Connor and Nancy Canavan Anderson.
Can you recall a time when you either led or were part of a classroom discussion that was not academically productive? What was it like? On the other hand, recall a time when you were part of a discussion that was academically productive. Do you remember what you or the instructor did to make it productive?
Sometimes a student whose confidence is quite fragile will present a solution method that is deeply flawed. What might teachers do to help the class see that discussing different solutions, right or wrong, helps move everyone towards understanding? How do you do this while being sensitive to the individual needs of students?
Ensuring equitable participation is not always easy. Discuss some of the obstacles you face in getting everyone to participate. What kinds of practices or routines could help mitigate your particular set of obstacles?
What is meant by high-level questions? Can you think of some ways that you could incorporate these types of questions into a typical math lesson?
Calling on students is a complex issue. What do you think about calling on students who have not raised their hands to speak?
What ideas from this book might you begin to use in your classroom?