Friday, June 28, 2013

What is meant by high-level questions? Can you think of some ways that you could incorporate these types of questions into a typical math lesson?


  1. Any question that can be answered with a yes, a no or just one word, is not a high-level question. Questions that answer why, how do you know, what do you notice about this, can be productive questions and can provide insight to how well students understand the concept. High-level questions can be asked when students are explaining a strategy that was used or to evaluate the validity of a strategy, during a whole class debrief, or while working in small groups. Students could also answer these kinds of questions in a math journal.

  2. High-level questions are ones that are "big questions". They are questions that require the students to explain the question, evaluate their method, and then synthesize their findings. These questions are not yes or no questions, or ones that result in just the answer.
    In a typical math lesson high-level questions can be asked by not just expecting the answer, but by requiring an explanation. How did you find that answer? Why did you choose that method? What could be done differently? What if you compared X to Y, would your result be different? High-level questioning is requiring students to explain their answers in detail, and then perhaps taking it further than just the answer.

  3. High-level questions are questions that initiate more thinking, higher amounts of conversation and an overall discussion to the bigger answer. These are usually not yes or no questions they are ones that need further inquiry and investigation to find the answer. A great way to get higher level questions in math associated problems is to have the student or students explain their method of reasoning. Math is not a subject that normally a yes or no answer is acceptable but yet there is an explanation required to find the answer with detail.

  4. High-level questions are questions that encourage discussion and encourage students to think deeply and critically. They can include words like “How does….work?”, “Why do you think….?”, “Compare……”, etc. Too often in typical math lessons we are focused on the response to the problem and not the bigger picture of understanding.

    In a typical first-grade math room, I could imagine asking high-level questions about strategies students use to solve problems or to explain their knowledge of number sense. I think at this level that higher order questions would be accompanied by manipulatives and/or drawing paper so that students can demonstrate their answers, allowing for a visual representations of the ideas we are discussing. I think the math notebooks mentioned in the chapter were a great resource as well, where students could document their thinking and it could open up further dialogue within the class or with the teacher. This would also be a great place to integrate technology. If students are working in small groups and iPads were available, they could record their thoughts to share with the group.

  5. High-level questioning encourages students to analyze, synthesize, or generalize information. They guide students to make connections between new and previous knowledge to make it more concrete. As the book describes, I think the most efficient way to incorporate high-level questions into a math lesson is by mapping them out in your lesson plan. This can be done by thinking of the big idea that you want students to grasp and then generating a list of questions that may lead them to this through analyzing situations and evaluating methods and strategies.

  6. High-level questions are one that tap into the learning domains at the top of Bloom’s Taxonomy, such as analyzing, evaluating and creating. These higher-level questions challenge students to demonstrate their understanding of concepts and develop or apply procedures in order to reach the correct outcome or result. For example, many questions of this caliber will require students to utilize diagrams, tables, graphs, or manipulatives in order to determine an answer, conclusion or hypothesis. Many of these questions contain phrases such as, “what if”, “why” “how would the answer change if” or “can this be solved differently”, in order to provoke the thought process of each student. I found the “ThinkMath” curriculum’s headline story to be a great way to begin or end a class as a way to review, assess or pull together all of the information covered. While this curriculum was effective and engaging for student’s within a general educations setting, I had difficulty implementing and adapting this curriculum for a special education setting with a smaller class size and varying academic levels.

  7. Low-level questions are those that are cognitively undemanding, while high-level questions are cognitively challenging. High-level questions ask students to explain, evaluate, synthesize, and make connections. In contrast, low-level questions are straightforward and easy to answer, such as yes/no questions.

    Students can be asked to answer high-level questions during class discussions. Rather than just accepting an answer, students should be asked to explain how they know, why they chose a certain strategy, or to explain another way to solve the problem. Students can also be asked to answer higher-level questions in a math notebook or journal. These questions really make students to think deeply about a topic rather than just solving a problem without understanding what it means.

  8. High level questions are complex and require high level thinking and often spark in depth and complex class discussions. High level questions can also be called critical questions or critical thinking. They are often multiple parts and require the students to expand on simple concepts and demonstrate the understanding of a given topic with more complexity than just a straightforward simple answer. Some ways we can use this in math is giving the students the topic of the day and having them generate questions related to the topic and then at the end of the lesson have them answer and discuss the questions.

  9. I am so glad they mentioned Bloom's taxonomy in this chapter. I go back to his work all the time as I plan unit goals. One thing that I started last year to help me with big questions is to take the goals of a unit and turn them into guiding questions for us as we explore that new unit. Each day on my board I will list the day's goal in the form of a question. At the end of the lesson I will have them turn and talk about that question to see if we can answer it. If we can't or I get a feel that most can't then I know I might need to spend some more time on that topic.

  10. As I mentioned in class, I always have the Math Practice Standards from the MA curriculum framework handy. I'm always wondering if there is a way to "tweak" a question to make it a more engaging, upper level question.
